Charles Otoko

Charles Otoko

Home: Raktam
Been on the island since 2006-05-02
Died: 55 times (last time was 2009-05-02 17:09 at the hands of Pathetic Bi11, killed by a knife)
Level: 35
Class: Warrior (native)
Primary Clan: None chosen


Sired by a drunken English pirate and a fiercely raped Shartak mother, Charles has grown up to be an angry, vengeful warrior. Though between two worlds, his spirit is clearly native, and will not only kill any white man that steps foot on the island (that's everyone), but he'll also kill any native that openly and willingly collaborates with the outsiders. GSUC and State of New York members have a special place in his kill list.

He is a magnificent specimen of glistening tanned muscle and towering stature, you would be hard pressed to find his equal.

He is the master of the blowpipe, and would prefer to poison you slowly with it. More often than not, he'll beat you to death with a club, or hack you apart with a machete, all true native weapons. No white man's devices with him!

You'll never meet a man that hates outsiders more than Charles Otoko. In fact, that's why he left the Native Resistance Front. The NRF was not dedicated enough in their fight against the outsiders, and too squeamish to kill the natives that work with the white man (I'm talking to you Barack! Choose a side little man!). It's led to him being hunted by natives for no good reason (Talking to you Amaro... if you love the collaborators so much why don't you become one?), but he doesn't regret his decision. The struggle must go on, and dirty deeds must be done to do it.

They carry 7 skulls.

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Achievements:(20 total)
Old One Rat Hunter - Bronze 18 years old
Areas explored: 1062 (29.3% of island)
HP Healed: 119
Trading Points: 3
Spirits Exorcised: 0 (not a shaman)
Wailing Damage: 95
Ritual Feasts: 0 (not a cannibal)
Mentioned in 0 profile

This user does not have extended statistics enabled.

NPC kills: 191; last kill: small deer
 Animals: 191
 Shamans: 0
 Traders: 0
Natives killed: 10; last kill: Monopod
 Raktam: 3
 Dalpok: 0
 Wiksik: 7
 Rakmogak: 0
Outsiders killed: 125; last kill: Pathetic BiII.
 Derby: 16
 Durham: 15
 York: 44
 Shipwreck: 50
NPC kills (detailed):
large stag23
wild boar20
small deer17
large deer13
hungry alligator1
ferocious tiger1


This character has been idle since 2009-05-03.

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